Quebec Commercial Driver Test 03

Are you a heavy vehicle driver in Quebec and looking to obtain your commercial driver’s license? Before taking the official exam, preparing yourself with ample practice and knowledge about the rules is crucial. Luckily, Quebec offers a free Commercial Driver Practice Test that can be taken online anytime, anywhere. By taking this test, you can evaluate your abilities and get familiar with the exam format and questions.


Quebec Commercial Driver Test 03

1 / 30

Supplemental brakes are most fully effective when...

2 / 30

On a highway, a one-way road, or any other public thoroughfare where there is no oncoming traffic, a second warning signal should be placed approximately...

3 / 30

If you need to start your vehicle on an uphill grade, what can you do to keep your vehicle from coasting backwards?

4 / 30

If your vehicle is equipped with air brakes, why should you avoid pumping the brakes when going downhill?

5 / 30

The estimated time lag between when the driver sees a danger and when the brakes begin to slow the vehicle is...

6 / 30

Why should you pay special attention to the percentage on the steep hill sign?

7 / 30

If you double the vehicle weight, how much braking power do you need?

8 / 30

You should back up by steering the rear of the vehicle toward the driver's side (to the left) if at all possible because...

9 / 30

A flat tire on a dual-wheeled semi-trailer may have very little impact on your driving, but the extra weight on the other wheel may do what?

10 / 30

What is hydroplaning?

11 / 30

Should you signal other drivers to pass you?

12 / 30

In certain situations, particularly when your vehicle is loaded, you can use your supplemental brakes to help you do what?

13 / 30

If backing up to the right and using a helper, where should they stand?

14 / 30

It is natural to want to stop your vehicle immediately when a flat occurs, but instead of slamming on the brakes, you should...

15 / 30

On a secondary road, the first warning signal should be placed on the ground approximately...

16 / 30

On a secondary road, a third warning signal is placed approximately...

17 / 30

What happens to your brakes when you apply your brakes repeatedly or over an extended period of time while driving down a long grade?

18 / 30

Which of the following is not a step used if your vehicle begins to hydroplane?

19 / 30

When are use of flares prohibited?

20 / 30

Before driving down a steep grade, you should...

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What's the best way to move up a steep hill?

22 / 30

Before you begin backing up, what is it essential for you to do?

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In the event of a breakdown, in addition to hazard lights, you should...

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Which of the following are not recommendations to increase your vehicle's visibility while backing up?

25 / 30

On a secondary road, a second warning signal is placed on the ground approximately...

26 / 30

On a highway, a one-way road, or any other public thoroughfare where there is no oncoming traffic, a third warning signal should be placed approximately...

27 / 30

If you double your speed, your stopping distance is...

28 / 30

Are you required to check your brakes before starting down a hill?

29 / 30

On a highway, a one-way road, or any other public thoroughfare where there is no oncoming traffic, first warning signal should be placed approximately...

30 / 30

Often the best way to determine whether you have a flat tire, other than noise or vibration, is to do what?

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