PEI School Bus Test 01

By practicing with test questions similar to those on the official exam, you’ll have a better idea of what to expect and be more confident on test day. With dedicated practice and focus on grasping the principles and guidelines of safe and courteous driving, you can be well-prepared to pass your official PEI school bus driver license test with flying colors. It is worth noting that passing the exam requires you to have learned and internalized a wide range of traffic laws, regulations, and driving techniques.


PEI School Bus Test 01

1 / 30

Which statement is false? The following should be checked while walking around the vehicle during a pre-trip inspection...

2 / 30

School bus drivers must remain in the vehicle while students are onboard unless...

3 / 30

When should you activate the red lights?

4 / 30

When should the amber warning lights be activated in rural areas?

5 / 30

School bus drivers are employees of...

6 / 30

Which statement is false? After starting the engine during the pre-trip inspection, you should check...

7 / 30

What should be made the designated safe location?

8 / 30

Which statement is false? As professionals, drivers should look and act the part, including...

9 / 30

If the students must cross the road to board the bus, they should not cross until...

10 / 30

While approaching another bus who is receiving or discharging students, what should you do?

11 / 30

Who approves the pick up and drop off locations?

12 / 30

What happens if a driver finds another driver who is not physically or mentally able to carry out their functions as a school bus driver?

13 / 30

When should the amber warning lights be activated in urban areas with speeds less than 60 km/h?

14 / 30

Which statement is false? Drivers should adjust their driving for...

15 / 30

When discharging students, the students must stay seated until...

16 / 30

Which statement is false? Your attitude affects...

17 / 30

Drivers must pick up and drop off students...

18 / 30

Once the students are onboard, when should the driver move the bus?

19 / 30

Which statement is false? The following reflect upon themselves and their employers...

20 / 30

If the student must cross the road, they should...

21 / 30

When receiving or discharging student at or near an intersection, what should the students be encouraged to do?

22 / 30

Is it necessary in some situations to use signals to let students know when it's safe to cross?

23 / 30

When should the outside of the bus be washed?

24 / 30

Why should the pre-trip inspection be carried out in the same manner each time?

25 / 30

When picking up students where the bus has to turn, what must happen first?

26 / 30

Which statement is false? Before leaving the bus, you should do the following...

27 / 30

The bus driver is the first school employee to come in contact with...

28 / 30

When a turn has to be done, such as in a driveway, how should the bus be positioned?

29 / 30

What will go a long way to starting the student's day right?

30 / 30

What should be activated prior to entering the driveway?

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