Ontario CVOR Test 02

The practice test helps you to identify areas where you need to improve, giving you ample time to work on those weak points. With comprehensive study materials and in-depth explanations, the Ontario CVOR practice test is an excellent resource to help you pass your official exam with great success. Ace the exam and pave the way toward a successful career in the commercial driving industry!


Ontario CVOR Test 02

1 / 30

The conditional rating will be assigned immediately if any one or more of the following conditions occur...

2 / 30

Where do sanctions imposed by the Deputy Registrar take effect?

3 / 30

An operator can receive one of how many possible safety ratings?

4 / 30

Facility audits will not be considered for an upgrade to Satisfactory or Excellent safety rating, if the audit was completed more than...

5 / 30

Which statement is false? A carrier is rated Unsatisfactory for the duration of...

6 / 30

The new operator is unrated for the first how many days of operation while the rating is proposed and until the rating comes into effect?

7 / 30

To be eligible for an Excellent Safety Rating, the carrier's overall violation rate must not exceed what percentage of its Overall CVOR Threshold?

8 / 30

A carrier would normally be eligible for an Excellent Safety Rating if it meets all of the following conditions, other than...

9 / 30

Operators will be rated only on the basis of their CVOR violation rate if...

10 / 30

What is referred to as a Carrier Safety Rating (CSR)?

11 / 30

The Overall Audit Score is expressed as Excellent if the overall audit score is 80% and all profiles are...

12 / 30

A carrier that has not been audited would normally receive a Satisfactory-Unaudited Safety Rating provided...

13 / 30

Once an excellent rating is assigned, the operator must maintain an overall violation rate no greater than what percentage of overall CVOR threshold?

14 / 30

The Deputy Registrar of Motor Vehicles assigns a rating to an operator based on the company's safety record, which does not include...

15 / 30

Which statement is false? A carrier may be considered for a Conditional Safety Rating if any of the following circumstances occur...

16 / 30

The Overall Audit Score is expressed as a pass if the overall audit score is...

17 / 30

What is referred to as violation rates?

18 / 30

Once an excellent rating is assigned, the operator must maintain a collision violation rate no greater than what percentage of the collision threshold?

19 / 30

A carrier may be assigned what type of rating as the result of a failed audit?

20 / 30

Which statement is false? A carrier would normally be eligible for a Satisfactory Safety Rating if it meets all of the following conditions...

21 / 30

The Overall Audit Score is expressed as a fail if the overall audit score is...

22 / 30

An excellent rating will be downgraded if the carrier's overall violation rate exceeds what percentage of its Overall CVOR Threshold?

23 / 30

What can carriers that have volunteered for an audit and failed the audit but have an overall violation rate of 50% or less apply for?

24 / 30

What is used to determine the collision and conviction points threshold?

25 / 30

What is the typical rating when an operator applies for a CVOR certificate?

26 / 30

Who will use other triggering methods to bring an operator to the ministry's attention such as significant incidents?

27 / 30

A carrier may wish to upgrade its Safety Rating to Satisfactory or Excellent by doing what?

28 / 30

A collision-points threshold value is determined for each operator, based on...

29 / 30

To be upgraded from a Conditional rating to a higher rating (i.e. Satisfactory-Unaudited or Satisfactory), what must the operator do?

30 / 30

How long are all Conditional ratings are in effect for?

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