Manitoba School Bus Driver Test 02

By dedicating time to studying and practicing, you can approach the official exam confidently and clearly understand what to expect. Passing your official exam with flying colors is not only a personal accomplishment, but it also ensures that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to transport students to and from school safely. Remember, taking the practice test and studying gives you the tools and knowledge to succeed on the official exam.


Manitoba School Bus Driver Test 02

1 / 30

When rounding a curve, why should you never brake in the middle of a curve?

2 / 30

The volume of oil will expand or contract greatly depending on what?

3 / 30

The voltage meter or voltmeter indicates voltage produced by the alternator. What is a normal reading when the engine is running?

4 / 30

Why is the first set of checks is made under the hood?

5 / 30

Which statement is false? Visually inspect belts for what?

6 / 30

What does excessive brake heat do for the brakes?

7 / 30

It is the responsibility of every school division to ensure that every school bus vehicle in its fleet is equipped with what?

8 / 30

On highways, signal at least how far before turning?

9 / 30

Students should remain seated until when?

10 / 30

When must a school bus driver perform a pre-trip inspection of a school bus vehicle?

11 / 30

What is the advantage of an anti-lock brake system?

12 / 30

The seat belt must be worn at all times. Why?

13 / 30

If the speed is doubled, the braking force must be...

14 / 30

When a defect is identified that is not safety-related, what should happen?

15 / 30

Does the person driving the bus have to be the same person who inspected the bus and signed the school bus inspection log book?

16 / 30

The braking force required to stop a vehicle varies directly with what?

17 / 30

What is the advantage to ensure the vehicle has adequate fuel for the next trip, especially in winter?

18 / 30

When is the ideal time to check the automatic transmission fluid level?

19 / 30

If bullying happens on the school bus, what should happen next?

20 / 30

What is an anti-lock brake system?

21 / 30

If an individual student is guilty of breaking the rules of bus conduct, what should not be done?

22 / 30

What is not an indication of suspension malfunction?

23 / 30

Vehicles with a non-tilt hood, the front wheel movement may be observed how?

24 / 30

How far from the intersection should you activate the right turn signal in urban areas?

25 / 30

When defects are found that could interfere with safe vehicle operation or are in violation of The Highway Traffic Act, what happens next?

26 / 30

What is not one of the items to check to ensure the hydraulic brake system and back-up system are functioning as designed?

27 / 30

If a different driver will operate the same school bus, are they required to perform a pre-trip inspection?

28 / 30

To be able to stop in the same distance, if the weight is doubled, the braking force must be...

29 / 30

What steering technique is required for school buses?

30 / 30

When weight and speed are both doubled, the braking force must be increased...

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