BC Commercial Driver Test 08

Practice tests allow you to identify areas of weakness and work on them until you’re confident and ready to take the official exam. Passing your official exam with flying colors requires focus, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the regulations specific to BC. By preparing rigorously for the exam, you can pass with flying colors and start your commercial driving career on the right foot.


BC Commercial Driver Test 08

1 / 30

What is referred to as a turnout?

2 / 30

What does a double yellow broken line indicate?

3 / 30

What do you do when the yellow advance left turn signal comes on?

4 / 30

What do you do before you cross any railway line that intersects with a public or private road when you're driving crew cars with passengers in them?

5 / 30

What must you do when approaching a yield sign?

6 / 30

What happens when your brakes overheat?

7 / 30

What do lane control signal do?

8 / 30

By definition, what is an industrial road?

9 / 30

Are you allowed to cross a solid white lane marking?

10 / 30

What does HOV stand for?

11 / 30

What does a broken yellow line indicate?

12 / 30

What can you do when approaching a flashing green arrow with a solid red light?

13 / 30

Are you permitted to operate unlicensed vehicles on industrial roads?

14 / 30

Do industrial roads have runaway lanes?

15 / 30

Are you allowed to pass across a double yellow line?

16 / 30

Some of these commercial vehicles use water with their brakes. What do they use it for?

17 / 30

If you perform a brake test and find that the brakes aren't operating safely, what should you do?

18 / 30

What's an off-highway endorsement?

19 / 30

When there are construction signs with a traffic-control person, do you need to obey them even though the laws say something different?

20 / 30

Are you allowed to drive across painted traffic islands?

21 / 30

In a school zone, if the tab underneath, how long does that speed limit remain in effect?

22 / 30

If the lane control signals over all of the lanes are flashing yellow, what do you do?

23 / 30

Whose responsibility is it to immediately take all reasonable emergency measures to repair, remedy or reduce any danger to life, health, property or the environment whenever there's a dangerous goods incident?

24 / 30

What does a flashing green circular traffic light indicate?

25 / 30

Who has the right-of-way on a steep hill on an industrial road?

26 / 30

What must you do when approaching a railway crossing that displays flashing red lights?

27 / 30

What's the difference between an industrial road and public roads?

28 / 30

What determines which truck should turn out on a narrow industrial road?

29 / 30

Are you allowed to disregard any of the regulatory signs

30 / 30

Which side of an object marker sign do you drive toward?

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