BC Air Brake Practice Test 07

Taking the BC air brake practice test is a crucial step towards obtaining your commercial driver’s license. It provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the format and content of the official exam. By taking the practice test multiple times, you can assess your strengths and weaknesses and focus your studying accordingly. When the time comes to take the official exam, it is essential to remain calm and confident.


BC Air Brake Test 07

1 / 30

When adjusting the brakes, what should the air system be?

2 / 30

Should each brake on an axle be adjusted to have a similar amount of pushrod travel?

3 / 30

When using the pry method of free stroke measurement, what psi should the air system be?

4 / 30

Do air-brake-equipped vehicles lose their brakes?

5 / 30

Which statement is false? While checking air brakes look for other brake component wear and excessive play including...

6 / 30

What is done with a spring-loaded locking sleeve on most manual slack adjusters?

7 / 30

Can s-cam brakes be adjusted very accurately with the wheels on the ground?

8 / 30

What is meant by pushrod travel?

9 / 30

Do cast iron brake drums expand when heated?

10 / 30

Would the s-cam brakes seem to be effective when the brake drum is cool and with normal brake application pressure?

11 / 30

New air brake chamber pushrods have a marking. What does it indicate?

12 / 30

How can you visually verify that the linings have contacted the drum?

13 / 30

What size wrench is typically used to turn the adjusting bolt?

14 / 30

When using the pry method of free stroke measurement, when would the brakes need adjustment?

15 / 30

When using the applied stroke method of checking the s-cam brakes, at what distance should the brakes require adjustment?

16 / 30

Once the leak test is completed, how much air pressure as a minimum should you confirm there is in the reservoirs?

17 / 30

How would you know if the adjusting bolt is being turned in the wrong direction?

18 / 30

Which statement is false? Make sure you have the proper equipment to check the brakes, including...

19 / 30

How would you know if the previous slack adjustment was done incorrectly?

20 / 30

Why should you turn off the engine while doing brake adjustments?

21 / 30

When you turn the adjusting bolt, why are you watching the end of the camshaft?

22 / 30

With the applied stroke method of servicing s-cam brakes, what is the minimum reservoir pressure required?

23 / 30

How much should you back off the adjusting bolt to establish correct running clearance between the lining and drum?

24 / 30

Who uses the applied stroke method for checked adjusting s-cam brakes?

25 / 30

What happens if the brakes on one or the other axle have been mistakenly backed off?

26 / 30

When correctly adjusted, what is the running clearance between the brake lining and drum?

27 / 30

Is it common, especially on tandem axle units, for the adjusting bolts on one axle to adjust in one direction, while the other axle requires an opposite turn?

28 / 30

Once you know the proper direction, why do you continue turning until solid resistance is met?

29 / 30

On long downgrades, what can the expansion of hot brake drums can cause?

30 / 30

To perform a leak test, hold a firm brake application for 1 minute, you cannot lose any more then how many psi?

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