Alberta Air Brake Test 07

Taking the Alberta Air Brake practice test proved to be instrumental in successfully passing the official exam with flying colors. The practice test, available online, offered valuable insights into the various aspects of air brake systems, including important safety guidelines, and provided an opportunity to familiarize oneself with the layout and structure of the actual exam.


Alberta Air Brake Test 07

1 / 30

When must drivers incorporate the air brake pre-trip inspections?

2 / 30

What does the procedure on the Air Brake Practical Test form serve as?

3 / 30

During the pre-hill brake inspection, which statement is false?

4 / 30

When should the commercial vehicle inspection report be submitted to the carrier?

5 / 30

What does the driver need to do differently with a vehicle equipped with the Stability Control System?

6 / 30

When descending a steep hill, your brakes must be inspected...

7 / 30

The ATC has a dashboard light that illuminates at certain times? What does it mean if it flashes?

8 / 30

Which is tested with the engine running?

9 / 30

Which statement is false? Why conduct a post-trip air brake inspection?

10 / 30

What is not an in-service brake check?

11 / 30

Which statement is false? The purpose of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Regulation of the Traffic Safety Act is...

12 / 30

When performing the air brake inspection during the daily inspection, when should the trailer be inspected?

13 / 30

What is a minor defect with the air brake system?

14 / 30

During the pre-hill inspection, what must be checked as a minimum brake inspection?

15 / 30

To check the automatic feature of the park control valve, which statement is false?

16 / 30

During a vehicle inspection, can a vehicle be driven if it has a minor defect?

17 / 30

If a wheel spin is detected by the ATC system, what happens?

18 / 30

Which is not an air brake major defect?

19 / 30

When should the completed inspection report be available for peace officers?

20 / 30

During an en-route air brake inspection during the shift, which statement is false?

21 / 30

During the Tractor Protection System, the trailer air supply valve should pop out at what psi?

22 / 30

Which system does the Stability Control System replace?

23 / 30

What does the Stability Control System correct?

24 / 30

While regulations govern the legislative requirements for vehicle inspections, how often do industry best practices require vehicles to be inspected?

25 / 30

Ideally, when should the en-route inspections be done?

26 / 30

When is the air system checked for leaks during the pre-trip inspection?

27 / 30

If any new items were added to the vehicle after the daily inspection, what happens?

28 / 30

Which systems are more advanced?

29 / 30

During the Tractor Protection System, low air pressure warning should turn on by what psi?

30 / 30

To check the automatic feature of the trailer air supply valve, which statement is false?

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