Air Brake Practice Test 08

By practicing with this test, you’ll be able to walk into your official exam with flying colors, knowing that you’ve done everything possible to prepare yourself. Some key things to keep in mind as you study include understanding the different types of brakes, recognizing the various parts of an air brake system, and knowing how to conduct a proper pre-trip inspection. With hard work and focus, there’s no reason why you can’t ace your air brake test and achieve success in your driving career.


Air Brake Practice Test 08

1 / 30

Which statement is false? During a pre-trip inspection, you should check the drive belt and pulleys for...

2 / 30

While performing a manual wedge brake adjustment, which of the following is not a required step?

3 / 30

Brake failures are usually the result of...

4 / 30

Why should you release the spring parking brake at 90 psi or above?

5 / 30

Which statement is false? The following are recommended steps to determine if an S-cam brake with manual slack adjusters requires adjustment...

6 / 30

Which of the following is not a step used to determine if an S-cam brake with manual or automatic slack adjusters requires adjustment?

7 / 30

After adjusting the manual slack adjuster, backoff the adjustment bolt about how much of a turn?

8 / 30

Adjusting automatic slack adjusters by hand is not recommended unless...

9 / 30

Which of the following is not part of the brake test?

10 / 30

When checking the compressor and warning devices on the pre-trip inspection, the warning device(s) must operate to how many psi?

11 / 30

What will add to the overall push rod travel?

12 / 30

When checking for leakage, the pressure should not drop more than how many psi per minute?

13 / 30

Which statement is false? The driver must be aware of the condition of the vehicle's braking system at all times. This can be done by...

14 / 30

When checking the S-cam brake adjustment with manual slack adjuster, you should ensure...

15 / 30

Why do the shoes need to be adjusted?

16 / 30

Which statement is false? The following are recommended adjustment steps for S-cam brakes with manual slack adjusters...

17 / 30

The amount of force available at the push rod is consistent out to two inches of stroke. What happens after two inches?

18 / 30

During a pre-trip inspection, you should ensure the reservoir air pressure builds from 50 to 90 psi within how many minutes?

19 / 30

The pre-trip air brake inspection should be completed within...

20 / 30

During an in-service check, which of the following is not checked?

21 / 30

Who must ensure that the vehicle has safe, properly adjusted brakes?

22 / 30

When the brakes are adjusted by slack adjusters, the shoes are moved where?

23 / 30

The only way to be sure your vehicle brakes are properly adjusted is...

24 / 30

During the pre-trip inspection, .check that the governor places the compressor in the unloading stage between how many psi?

25 / 30

Since there are a number of makes and models of air disc brakes, each with a different adjustment procedure, it is recommended that you consult...

26 / 30

If the S-cam brake with automatic slack adjuster are badly out of adjustment, who should inspect them?

27 / 30

Which statement is false? Other factors that affect the braking ability of the vehicle, include...

28 / 30

Which statement is false? When the brakes are out of adjustment, braking efficiency is reduced by the following factors...

29 / 30

At the first stop, what should be done after the brake adjustment?

30 / 30

How often should automatic slack adjusters be checked?

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